Saturday, January 10, 2009

daily report

hello everyone

Today has been going quite well. I decided to start a session 20 tabling from 1/2 to 5/10. Badfuly, 20 tabling and playing LAG is REALLY hard (I admire ppl like kelisitaan for this) and I feel like I spewed some BI, eventually I ended up ~1k up. I took a break coz 20 tabling is painful and tilting and got back to the tables one hour later. I played 9 tables (3/6 - 5/10) and it went very nice (~+3.5k). I went on diner time and after having a bath I opened up 9 tables. It went quite awful, I lost 3k at 3/6 (mainly because of coolers but also a bit of badplay obv, btw HI to kemikar, I now know he read me) but won ~2k at 5/10 (where I got coolered by keli on my last hand for a buy in, HI to him too).

Also, I don't really know what to post on my blog. You might be interested in daily session report or maybe you want to know more about me or how I handle my poker career. Anyway, just let me know what you prefer.

To finish, I booked my train tickets for Deauville. I will be there from 01/19 to 01/23. And the next day, I will go to Utrecht (netherlands) for a week to meet a friend and a poker player, the wellknown Artanis11. I hope we will have a lot of fun and we will try to discuss poker stuff in order to improve our level.



Bull said...

j'aurais quelques questions a te poser si tu ve bien y repondre :
Quel materiel utlise tu pour faire tes 9 et 20(!) tables ?
2 ecrans ? si oui quelles sont leur taille ?
Quelle room permet de jouer 20 tables ?
Personnellement je commence a avoir du mal avec 6 tables +, surtout au niveau des decisions (pot 3bets etc...) et du manque de temps pour prendre ces decisions.
Ca ne te pose pas probleme ?
En tout cas ce blog est tres interessant et bien redigé, je le lis quotidiennement.
Bonne continuaton

ps : g moi aussi mon blog sur blogspot, tu pourras y faire un tour, je t ajoute dans mes blogs favoris @ +

hi_THERE said...


J'ai 2 écrans 22" + un laptop 14.2" pour msn/internet/music

Je joue sur PS. FT permet de jouer bcp de tables aussi.

Jouer 20 tables viendra avec le temps mais c'est sur que c'est pas facile au début.

merci pour les compliments.