It’s 2.30 A.M. in France and I just went back from deauville’s casino. Tomorrow I head back to Paris and you know what ? I’m glad. Deauville is a fun city where everything seems doable as long as you have enough money. And I did a lot of things that I had not been through before.
The hotel was fkin amazing (view was awesome, pic comin’) and employees were always there in order to get everything fine for rémy and I.
The casino was also nice. The building was beautiful and class. I have not played live at all (and nearly online aswel, 2h and +2.2k) but I saw some huge cash game running, very impressive. Here is a hand :
Blinds 50/100
Utg folds
Utg+1 folds
Utg+2 folds
Mp limps (~10k euros) for 100e
Mp+1 folds
Co folds
Btn raises to 400e (he is a swedish and seems to do quite well)
Sb folds
BB calls
Flop 36J full spades (1250e)
Sb checks
Mp donkbets for 800
Btn raises to 2.2k
Sb folds
Mp tanks and shoves for his remaining stack (9k or so)
Btn calls quickly
Turn and river blank
Mp shows J9 with 9 of spade
Btn shows AA without any spade
Ship it 21k pot lolilol
Anyway, games were very juicy as you can witness but I have been too tired to sit in and play. My bad coz my coach agreed to take a share of me.
I also met ADZ124, shaked his hand this morning during EPT break. We talked a bit and he has been friendly to me. It was nice to finaly see him.
Tonight, a friend who had met cuts (a French high stakes player) the day before invited me to join cuts’s suite at Normandy hotel. I must admit I had some bias about him and prolly the same for him bout me. Right after shaking his hand he asked “why are you a fan of ADZ124, seriously ?”, I replied I was not and to be honest, I don’t give a shit of what ADZ124 did to him. The we talked a bit and it was surprising how this young man seemed to be sad. He told us he had no pleasure playing poker anymore and he just wanted to make the most money as he could before leaving. He seems to wonder a lot about his life, his goals and what ppl thinks of him (especially why they are friendly to him and his money). Anyway, it was interesting to talk with him and see how he deals his success. It makes me think how everything is “éphémère” and artificial.
To conclude, I’m glad to go back in Paris. I’m not used to hang out a lot. I mean, I’m not confortable with ppl. I have always been this way and I won’t try to change it. I believe it’s not an issue when you are aware of this.
Friday I go to Utrecht for some grinding time. I hope to make a lot of money and I know I will learn a lot from Artanis11’s game.
I’m done for today, I will update this entry to insert some random pics. Have a nice day. I’m fkin tired right now.
balla right ?
Me, laughing this hard it prevents to see my eyes.
Okay, I admit I was drunk.
LOL, Cuts va pouvoir monter une maison pour déprimés avec Benjo :)
Je vais sans doute les rejoindre sous peu^^
xerxes, add me sur msn ;<
c'est pas, je voulais juste que tu m'envoies le tien a cette adresse via email.
et la pics avec Adizzy?
LOL, fallait le dire :)
C'est send ;-)
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