Je suis en France depuis 3 semaines maintenant et je repars en Argentine le mois prochain. Je n'irai finalement pas en Asie car Air France n'a pas voulu échanger mon ticket Paris BA pour un Paris Tokyo, apparement car il est compliqué de changer la destination lorsque l'on passe par un booker. Tant pis, j'irai directement au Chili du 10 au 16 puis retour à Buenos Aires jusqu'à la fin octobre.
Fin octobre, j'aimerais louer quelque chose au bord de la mer. J'attend la réponse pour une villa à Punta del este (Uruguay), ça ferait un sick brag si je l'obtiens mais je ne vais pas m'avancer. Au pire il y a toujours Mar del Plata à 300km de Buenos Aires, une sorte de station balnéaire bien moins chic que Punta del Este. Ce qui serait pas plus mal vu le mois pourri que j'ai fait.
Septembre est mon second mois perdant cette année. Uniquement ma faute puisque j'ai tilté 35k lors d'une session. Je me déteste vraiment lorsque je fais ça. On commence une session alors même que l'on se sent déja tilté (ma copine m'avait cassé les couilles au réveil), on move up quand on perd 1 buy in ou 2 sur des setup et forcément il y a peu de chances que ça se finisse bien.
J'ai donc bust tout ce que j'avais online, je vous raconte pas la sensation lorsque l'on doit quitter le mec en 10/20 car on a plus de quoi reload. Quoique si je vais vous raconter, je me suis senti comme la pire merde, je venais de foutre en l'air un 1 mois et demi de grind en une session de 5 heures. Ce genre de session m'arrive fréquemment (1x tous les 2 mois environ) et je me jure toujours de ne plus jouer au dessus de la 5/10. Les swings engendrés me mettent toujours extrêmement mal à l'aise.
Un peu de NL10 le temps d'attendre quelques transferts. Etrange que ça ne me fasse pas plus d'effet que ça de passer de la 25/50 euros à la NL10. u$s 10, c'est toujours bon à prendre remarque, ça en fait des lardons. Je dépose donc 2k qui était en transit vers neteller et c'est reparti. PLO50 puis 100. Ca faisait un peu moins d'un an que je n'avais plus jouer en PLO et je retrouve peu à peu mes marques. Je sit n'importe qui heads up et matte quelques vidéos. Très rafraichissant et je conseille à tout le monde lors de moments durs (downswing, perte de motivation...) de changer de format ou même de jeu.
J'ai repris 18k depuis, principalement en HU et je finis le mois à peine dans le négatif (-5.3k usd, rakeback inclu). Je suis donc plutôt bien mentalement car je me suis (re)démontrer que je peux repartir de rien. J'espère attaquer la 5/10 le mois prochain et si ça se passe bien, pourquoi pas reshot la 10/20 25/50 ?
Enfin quelques mots sur l'éthique. Il y a en ce moment quelques scandales dans le milieu HS du poker français à propos de multi-accounting (MAing) etc... Ma vision sur le sujet est clair, MAing en HU est INNACEPTABLE, surtout sur les .fr ou le player pool en 5/10 est très petit et encore plus entre "potes". Il semblerait que ce genre de pratique soit plus courant que ce que je pensais et j'en suis extrêmement déçu.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Hola, ¿qué tal?
Cette entree ne sera pas en anglais, ni meme en espagnole mais bien en francais (sans les accents ni characteres propres au francais pour cause de clavier US).
En un an, beaucoup de choses ont changees, encore que. Je vis toujours a Buenos Aires, je m'y plais et y ait rencontre des gens biens. Je vis toujours du poker mais j'y reviendrai plus tard dans ce blog.
Mon espagnol s'ameliore, lentement mais surement. Ma copine, chilienne, et moi parlons beaucoup en espagnol donc il a bien fallu s'y mettre.
J'ai aussi decouvert la nightlife Argentine. Je ne suis encore jamais alle a Ibiza, Miami, Chicago ou bien London donc j'eviterais les superlatifs. Pour autant, AFAIK, BA a une des meilleures nightlife du monde.
Mais il y a des consequences. C'est sympa une soiree Tocadisco mais quand je ne peux pas jouer pendant 3 jours suite au melange vokda redbull, la progression au poker s'en ressent. Pour autant, je ne regrette rien et j'attends l'ete (de novembre a fevrier pour les n00bs) avec impatience.
Pourquoi recommencer ce blog apres 1 an ?
Outre le fait que je run good en ce moment (qui serait assez maso pour mettre a jour son blog quand il run bad ?), j'ai quelques voyages de prevus. Je rentre en France dans une dizaine de jours pour 1 mois qui devrait etre assez light niveau poker puis je pars en Asie une quinzaine de jours avec mon pere (lui business, moi vacances).
Je suis super excite, d'une car la France me manque. Autant, j'adore le boeuf (teste le kobe steak y a quelques mois btw, omfg quelle experience), autant la cuisine Argentine n'est pas vraiment variee... Aussi pour revoir ma famille, qui a plus ou moins resignee a me faire revenir dans un parcours plus "normal" et qui maintenant me soutient dans mon choix de vivre du poker. Ahah, ca me fait penser a mon pere qui, une fois, avait compare gagner sa vie aux cartes et faire la pute sur le trottoir. Doux souvenir.
Aussi excite par mon voyage en Asie (Chine, Coree du sud, Japon). Je ne suis jamais alle en Asie. Je ne connais pas grand chose de leur culture (a part qu'ils aiment le riz et qu'ils ont des petites bites). Ca sera donc l'occasion de decouvrir tout ca. Je mettrai l'accent sur la cuisine, j'ai tout le mois de septembre pour plannifier chaque dinner. J'essayerai de faire quelques comptes rendus sur ce blog.
Enfin, apres l'Asie, je partirai une semaine ou deux au Chili avec ma gf dans la partie sud (Pantagonie, les glaciers etc, c'est vraiment magnifique).

Quelques projets de voyages par la suite mais rien de bien concret.
Poker :
L'annee 2010 est plutot bonne, pas autant que j'aurais aime, obviously mais je vais pas me plaindre.
Quelques chiffres :
Nombre de mains : 607k
gains : 100k
ev : je run good :>
winrate : 1.78ptbb
stakes : de la nl100 a la 5k mais average stakes de 1.95/3.9.
Au total, rakeback inclu, on arrive a un peu plus de 134k de gains.
- Soit 16,625k/mois.
- Un hourly rate de $192.
- Une moyenne de 2 heures 54 minutes par jour.
Y a pire comme job. Pour autant, J'aimerais ameliorer mon average stake pour l'amener plus proche de la 3/6 et pourquoi pas mon temps passe a jouer; si seulement je pouvais arriver a 25/28 heures hebdo, ma vie sociale n'en serait en rien affectee vu le temps que je passe a glander en ce moment.
Je reviendrai dans le courant de la semaine (INCH'ALLAH hein) sur mon parcours cette annee. Puis vendredi, depart pour la France. Peut-etre l'occasion de tester les .fr. Certains parlent d'un retour en arriere de 3 ans en ce qui concerne le niveau. Je verrai bien par moi-meme, j'ai le VPN deja installe au pire.
Cette entree ne sera pas en anglais, ni meme en espagnole mais bien en francais (sans les accents ni characteres propres au francais pour cause de clavier US).
En un an, beaucoup de choses ont changees, encore que. Je vis toujours a Buenos Aires, je m'y plais et y ait rencontre des gens biens. Je vis toujours du poker mais j'y reviendrai plus tard dans ce blog.
Mon espagnol s'ameliore, lentement mais surement. Ma copine, chilienne, et moi parlons beaucoup en espagnol donc il a bien fallu s'y mettre.
J'ai aussi decouvert la nightlife Argentine. Je ne suis encore jamais alle a Ibiza, Miami, Chicago ou bien London donc j'eviterais les superlatifs. Pour autant, AFAIK, BA a une des meilleures nightlife du monde.
Mais il y a des consequences. C'est sympa une soiree Tocadisco mais quand je ne peux pas jouer pendant 3 jours suite au melange vokda redbull, la progression au poker s'en ressent. Pour autant, je ne regrette rien et j'attends l'ete (de novembre a fevrier pour les n00bs) avec impatience.
Pourquoi recommencer ce blog apres 1 an ?
Outre le fait que je run good en ce moment (qui serait assez maso pour mettre a jour son blog quand il run bad ?), j'ai quelques voyages de prevus. Je rentre en France dans une dizaine de jours pour 1 mois qui devrait etre assez light niveau poker puis je pars en Asie une quinzaine de jours avec mon pere (lui business, moi vacances).
Je suis super excite, d'une car la France me manque. Autant, j'adore le boeuf (teste le kobe steak y a quelques mois btw, omfg quelle experience), autant la cuisine Argentine n'est pas vraiment variee... Aussi pour revoir ma famille, qui a plus ou moins resignee a me faire revenir dans un parcours plus "normal" et qui maintenant me soutient dans mon choix de vivre du poker. Ahah, ca me fait penser a mon pere qui, une fois, avait compare gagner sa vie aux cartes et faire la pute sur le trottoir. Doux souvenir.
Aussi excite par mon voyage en Asie (Chine, Coree du sud, Japon). Je ne suis jamais alle en Asie. Je ne connais pas grand chose de leur culture (a part qu'ils aiment le riz et qu'ils ont des petites bites). Ca sera donc l'occasion de decouvrir tout ca. Je mettrai l'accent sur la cuisine, j'ai tout le mois de septembre pour plannifier chaque dinner. J'essayerai de faire quelques comptes rendus sur ce blog.
Enfin, apres l'Asie, je partirai une semaine ou deux au Chili avec ma gf dans la partie sud (Pantagonie, les glaciers etc, c'est vraiment magnifique).

Quelques projets de voyages par la suite mais rien de bien concret.
Poker :
L'annee 2010 est plutot bonne, pas autant que j'aurais aime, obviously mais je vais pas me plaindre.
Quelques chiffres :
Nombre de mains : 607k
gains : 100k
ev : je run good :>
winrate : 1.78ptbb
stakes : de la nl100 a la 5k mais average stakes de 1.95/3.9.
Au total, rakeback inclu, on arrive a un peu plus de 134k de gains.
- Soit 16,625k/mois.
- Un hourly rate de $192.
- Une moyenne de 2 heures 54 minutes par jour.
Y a pire comme job. Pour autant, J'aimerais ameliorer mon average stake pour l'amener plus proche de la 3/6 et pourquoi pas mon temps passe a jouer; si seulement je pouvais arriver a 25/28 heures hebdo, ma vie sociale n'en serait en rien affectee vu le temps que je passe a glander en ce moment.
Je reviendrai dans le courant de la semaine (INCH'ALLAH hein) sur mon parcours cette annee. Puis vendredi, depart pour la France. Peut-etre l'occasion de tester les .fr. Certains parlent d'un retour en arriere de 3 ans en ce qui concerne le niveau. Je verrai bien par moi-meme, j'ai le VPN deja installe au pire.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Quick update 3 days before living the dream
Gambling (which is a seen composed of high stakes poker, compulsive betting and donkaments) has gone well this month.
At poker, I officialy can announce you that you soon should see me at the highest games running on iPoker. I just signed a deal with my friend and poker player doug WCG|Rider Polk for a stake. This guy is amazing, seriously, he had run SOOOOO bad for like 6 months (with like 70bi below the expectation on his ev graph) and he is up more than 125k in September. Congrats to him, he trully deserves his heater.
here is my graph :

I won't show the ev line since I outrageously run good.
+1k tournament
+4.4k sport betting
+2.5k rakeback
here is a funny (or not) story by the way. A week ago, I lost 5k in one day and I was hugely tilted (as usualy when I lose more than 5 buy-in in a session). So I'm like "omfg I need to get unstuck", hopefuly it was a night during the soccer WC qualification so I look at the matches list and I see France plays. For those who don't know, France has been terribad at soccer since last WC so I'm like "okay, what happens when 2 bad teams fight each other : DRAW". I look at the odds and I see the draw is the highest odds (3.15). So I'm like, OMFG LET'S GAMBLE. I put 1k to win $3150 and I shipped the US DOLLARS. Then after I won, I thought the best way to do right was to reinvest my winnings at 5/10. Finally, I ended the day up 1k. Degeneracy day.
In 3 days I'll be in Buenos Aires. Wow that's crazy and I'm a bit freaked out and I guess I'll figure out how to live once there.
take care
Gambling (which is a seen composed of high stakes poker, compulsive betting and donkaments) has gone well this month.
At poker, I officialy can announce you that you soon should see me at the highest games running on iPoker. I just signed a deal with my friend and poker player doug WCG|Rider Polk for a stake. This guy is amazing, seriously, he had run SOOOOO bad for like 6 months (with like 70bi below the expectation on his ev graph) and he is up more than 125k in September. Congrats to him, he trully deserves his heater.
here is my graph :

I won't show the ev line since I outrageously run good.
+1k tournament
+4.4k sport betting
+2.5k rakeback
here is a funny (or not) story by the way. A week ago, I lost 5k in one day and I was hugely tilted (as usualy when I lose more than 5 buy-in in a session). So I'm like "omfg I need to get unstuck", hopefuly it was a night during the soccer WC qualification so I look at the matches list and I see France plays. For those who don't know, France has been terribad at soccer since last WC so I'm like "okay, what happens when 2 bad teams fight each other : DRAW". I look at the odds and I see the draw is the highest odds (3.15). So I'm like, OMFG LET'S GAMBLE. I put 1k to win $3150 and I shipped the US DOLLARS. Then after I won, I thought the best way to do right was to reinvest my winnings at 5/10. Finally, I ended the day up 1k. Degeneracy day.
In 3 days I'll be in Buenos Aires. Wow that's crazy and I'm a bit freaked out and I guess I'll figure out how to live once there.
take care
Friday, August 21, 2009
Buenos aires round 3
In this entry, I'll deal with how august has gone, with how I'd like too see it going and with my plans for September.
I withdrawed all my monie from PS (or near, I just keep enough so I can win that sunday million one time) and deposited on iPoker and onGame. Games a easier, plenty of fishs, less regs and they are more or less easier to deal with. I now have 50% rakeback which is a huge addition to my winrate.
I'm in Montpellier right now with my DUDE Alex. We put a ton of hands and we both have great results (he made a nice 17 buy in yesterday, congrats). I'm 7.5k up since I'm here which makes me feel good and confident and to be honest, self-confidence is the key to be sucessful at poker.
I'm in the green for August and I hope I can end this month up close of 10k (rakeback included). 5k to go which is doable if I find my balls back to only play at 2/4+. My huge downswing last month affected me so much that doing a steady grind at 1/2 was all I could handle. But I don't plan of grinding 1/2 for life. I don't want my grand son remembers ADZ122 as the guy who played 1/2 for life coz he was a pussy. I want him to remember ADZ122 as the one won a 31k pot at 25/50.
At the beginning of September, I will go directly from Montpellier to Cannes. I go there for vacation, a friend of mine has a room at the 3.14 (an hotel if you did not guess) and the final partouche poker tour will be held at the same time. There will be pretty much all the french poker community and it should be fun.
AND HERE THE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT.... I -finally- booked my flight ticket and my apartment in Buenos aires. I can't wait for it but at the same time, I'm hugely stressed about it. Here is the picture : I will arrive in a huge city of 13 millions habitants without talking a single word of Spanish (except maybe OLA QUETAL LA SENORITA). Hopefuly, there is a big and solidary 2+2 community around there so I won't be that alone. I want this 9 months trip to be what I'll remember of my years as a poker pro and I'll do a ton of effort to discover another culture (even if BsAs is probably the most european city in South America) and learn another language.
I'll update that entry with pics of my futur apartment (I rent it for the first month coz I wanna find a place better to me when I'm in city).
cya guys, take care, make a lot of moni and enjoy

Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires
In this entry, I'll deal with how august has gone, with how I'd like too see it going and with my plans for September.
I withdrawed all my monie from PS (or near, I just keep enough so I can win that sunday million one time) and deposited on iPoker and onGame. Games a easier, plenty of fishs, less regs and they are more or less easier to deal with. I now have 50% rakeback which is a huge addition to my winrate.
I'm in Montpellier right now with my DUDE Alex. We put a ton of hands and we both have great results (he made a nice 17 buy in yesterday, congrats). I'm 7.5k up since I'm here which makes me feel good and confident and to be honest, self-confidence is the key to be sucessful at poker.
I'm in the green for August and I hope I can end this month up close of 10k (rakeback included). 5k to go which is doable if I find my balls back to only play at 2/4+. My huge downswing last month affected me so much that doing a steady grind at 1/2 was all I could handle. But I don't plan of grinding 1/2 for life. I don't want my grand son remembers ADZ122 as the guy who played 1/2 for life coz he was a pussy. I want him to remember ADZ122 as the one won a 31k pot at 25/50.
At the beginning of September, I will go directly from Montpellier to Cannes. I go there for vacation, a friend of mine has a room at the 3.14 (an hotel if you did not guess) and the final partouche poker tour will be held at the same time. There will be pretty much all the french poker community and it should be fun.
AND HERE THE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT.... I -finally- booked my flight ticket and my apartment in Buenos aires. I can't wait for it but at the same time, I'm hugely stressed about it. Here is the picture : I will arrive in a huge city of 13 millions habitants without talking a single word of Spanish (except maybe OLA QUETAL LA SENORITA). Hopefuly, there is a big and solidary 2+2 community around there so I won't be that alone. I want this 9 months trip to be what I'll remember of my years as a poker pro and I'll do a ton of effort to discover another culture (even if BsAs is probably the most european city in South America) and learn another language.
I'll update that entry with pics of my futur apartment (I rent it for the first month coz I wanna find a place better to me when I'm in city).
cya guys, take care, make a lot of moni and enjoy

Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I gotta feeling that this year is gonna be a good year...
YOOOOO, ADZ "omg is he back ?" 122 blogging from France.
Last month was very rough. I had never felt this bad. Poker affected my mood and I'm really not proud of that. I lost close of 20k (mainly in PLO) and I was pretty much broke at this time.
Hopefuly I had enough monies on my neteller account to book some vacations in Barcelona, Spain. It went very good, I finally drove my Audi TT (car bought with my poker $$ : pics at the end of the thread) and I ate a ton of amazing foods : catalans ppl have these delicious meals like this bread with squeezed tomato + oil olive + garlic called Pan amb tomaquet (or smth like that).
I have not played during my vacation, I just wanted to relax, think about my futur. I had not taken any off poker vacation for a year and I kinda needed some. Poker (or money ?) is so addictive and I believe it almost ruined my envy to play poker for good.
I'm now back in France and I'm doing well for August (down 1k for the month but I was down 5k at the lowest point). I now mainly play NLHE and I will play NLHE until I rebuild a roll big enough to handle swings at PLO. I moved down at 1/2 and 2/4 and I plan to play 2/4 for the rest of August, hopefuly I can move up at 3/6 next month.
Saturday I go to my dude Alex who lives in Montpellier. I went in Montpellier once and I enjoyed the city (south = the sunny part of France). We will play A LOT (I hope at least) and I also gave him a chance to freeroll me : I have to do 30min of sport everyday (he has a bicyle in his apartment) otherwise I give him $100 a day I don't do excercie.
That's it for today, CU AT MICROSTAKES
Last month was very rough. I had never felt this bad. Poker affected my mood and I'm really not proud of that. I lost close of 20k (mainly in PLO) and I was pretty much broke at this time.
Hopefuly I had enough monies on my neteller account to book some vacations in Barcelona, Spain. It went very good, I finally drove my Audi TT (car bought with my poker $$ : pics at the end of the thread) and I ate a ton of amazing foods : catalans ppl have these delicious meals like this bread with squeezed tomato + oil olive + garlic called Pan amb tomaquet (or smth like that).
I have not played during my vacation, I just wanted to relax, think about my futur. I had not taken any off poker vacation for a year and I kinda needed some. Poker (or money ?) is so addictive and I believe it almost ruined my envy to play poker for good.
I'm now back in France and I'm doing well for August (down 1k for the month but I was down 5k at the lowest point). I now mainly play NLHE and I will play NLHE until I rebuild a roll big enough to handle swings at PLO. I moved down at 1/2 and 2/4 and I plan to play 2/4 for the rest of August, hopefuly I can move up at 3/6 next month.
Saturday I go to my dude Alex who lives in Montpellier. I went in Montpellier once and I enjoyed the city (south = the sunny part of France). We will play A LOT (I hope at least) and I also gave him a chance to freeroll me : I have to do 30min of sport everyday (he has a bicyle in his apartment) otherwise I give him $100 a day I don't do excercie.
That's it for today, CU AT MICROSTAKES

Friday, July 17, 2009
Rough time
Yo everyone
Rough time last couple days. I said I would end the month up pretty easily. It probably won’t happen like promised. I lost close to 16k in the last 4 days.
At the beginning, I decided to take a small shot at plo1k (games were very soft) but I literally got crushed. Not that I played bad (probably by the end, I admit) but I ran terribly and could not force myself to quit the games (which is understandable when you are sit with 4 fishs and 1 reg on each of your 6 tables).
This episode highlighted one thing : I have some serious issues with my self control. More I lose, more I play and this is wrong. Big issue requieres big fix : instead of turning off my laptop and take a walk I self exluded myself for 24 hours on stars. It ends today but I probably won’t play much til tomorrow.
Also, this downswing affects my bankroll. I’m not broke – yet – but for the first time ever, I have a bankroll problem. So what ? It was not to be easy when I decided to go pro and I read every pro has been broke at least once. But still, this swing seems to be affecting me, my confidence, more than ever. Maybe because I just started to play PLO. I’m going to force myself not to play more than nl/pl400 until I rebuild a roll which is going to be hard but I’ll do my best. This is it for my poker mindset of the week.
I still don’t know what I’m gonna do next year. I have ideas but nothing set in the stone. I would like to move in another country but I don’t know 1) where 2) with who. Thailand ? Las vegas ? Anywhere else ? I still have a couple month to plan that. My criteriums : cheap and nice girls, that’s it.
In France, there is this summer reality show called Secret story. This is the third season and it’s the first one I assiduously watch. Usually, I don’t really like this kind of show but it’s actually very entertaining. The concept is easy but efficient : stereotyp guys (the black gay –ish- guy, the long blond hair “ken” guy who has sex with the big boobs “Barbie” girl…) living together in a house recorded 24/24. It seems this year, the game is on and there is a ton of strategy and engineering. I really enjoy watching daily episodes and it definitely is taking part of my daily life, as much as poker.
I’m done for today.
Robin, live from the train from Rennes. By the way, the more I take the train, the more I think our railway in France is very good : quiet fast and cheap (unlike Netherlands where they are slow and ugly).
Rough time last couple days. I said I would end the month up pretty easily. It probably won’t happen like promised. I lost close to 16k in the last 4 days.
At the beginning, I decided to take a small shot at plo1k (games were very soft) but I literally got crushed. Not that I played bad (probably by the end, I admit) but I ran terribly and could not force myself to quit the games (which is understandable when you are sit with 4 fishs and 1 reg on each of your 6 tables).
This episode highlighted one thing : I have some serious issues with my self control. More I lose, more I play and this is wrong. Big issue requieres big fix : instead of turning off my laptop and take a walk I self exluded myself for 24 hours on stars. It ends today but I probably won’t play much til tomorrow.
Also, this downswing affects my bankroll. I’m not broke – yet – but for the first time ever, I have a bankroll problem. So what ? It was not to be easy when I decided to go pro and I read every pro has been broke at least once. But still, this swing seems to be affecting me, my confidence, more than ever. Maybe because I just started to play PLO. I’m going to force myself not to play more than nl/pl400 until I rebuild a roll which is going to be hard but I’ll do my best. This is it for my poker mindset of the week.
I still don’t know what I’m gonna do next year. I have ideas but nothing set in the stone. I would like to move in another country but I don’t know 1) where 2) with who. Thailand ? Las vegas ? Anywhere else ? I still have a couple month to plan that. My criteriums : cheap and nice girls, that’s it.
In France, there is this summer reality show called Secret story. This is the third season and it’s the first one I assiduously watch. Usually, I don’t really like this kind of show but it’s actually very entertaining. The concept is easy but efficient : stereotyp guys (the black gay –ish- guy, the long blond hair “ken” guy who has sex with the big boobs “Barbie” girl…) living together in a house recorded 24/24. It seems this year, the game is on and there is a ton of strategy and engineering. I really enjoy watching daily episodes and it definitely is taking part of my daily life, as much as poker.
I’m done for today.
Robin, live from the train from Rennes. By the way, the more I take the train, the more I think our railway in France is very good : quiet fast and cheap (unlike Netherlands where they are slow and ugly).
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Buenos aires cancelled
Heyyyyyy, ADZ "TheOnlyOne" 122 here blogging from Paris.
So in the last entry I told I was about to go in BsAs but I had to cancel because of the swine flue. Several contacts I know who live over there told me government was about to close ALL closed public places (clubs, bar, theater...). Going to BsAs without clubbing is like going in Paris without climbing the Eiffel tower.
I decided to go in Greece instead but I have issues going on concerning my BsAs payment with the travelling agence (basically they took my $$ and don't want to give me them back, FUCK opodo.fr).
Concerning poker this month, I think I'm down a bunch (maybe 6k, I don't know coz I have like 3 differents databases). I hope I can end in the green which should not be hard coz I now enjoy playing.
Next couple days I hope I can fix that issue with opodo so I can relax in Athen.
that's it for today
take care and gl to Ludovic cutsss Lacay who is crushing in the ME.
also a shootout to my buddy Rui gohanounet Cao : rent me your house.
So in the last entry I told I was about to go in BsAs but I had to cancel because of the swine flue. Several contacts I know who live over there told me government was about to close ALL closed public places (clubs, bar, theater...). Going to BsAs without clubbing is like going in Paris without climbing the Eiffel tower.
I decided to go in Greece instead but I have issues going on concerning my BsAs payment with the travelling agence (basically they took my $$ and don't want to give me them back, FUCK opodo.fr).
Concerning poker this month, I think I'm down a bunch (maybe 6k, I don't know coz I have like 3 differents databases). I hope I can end in the green which should not be hard coz I now enjoy playing.
Next couple days I hope I can fix that issue with opodo so I can relax in Athen.
that's it for today
take care and gl to Ludovic cutsss Lacay who is crushing in the ME.
also a shootout to my buddy Rui gohanounet Cao : rent me your house.
Monday, July 6, 2009
10 days in Buenos Aires
Hey, it's me ADZ 122.
Long time no see. Indeed, I have not posted an entry for like 2 month and a half. At this time, I was chipleader of a donkament hosted in Mar del plata, Argentina. Obviously, I did not take it down and I ended #22 (or #17 I can't remind) for like $14k. At this time, everything would suceed. I was to be, and I'm 100% honnest, the best at this game.
Long story short, since April, NLHE has fucked me up so FUCKING HARD. I can't even look at this stupid game played with only 2 CARDS. HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU OFTEN HIT A FULL HOUSE AT THIS GAME ? Ok, you got me, I now play PLO. And I seriously love it. This damn game is fun and being better day after day highlighted one of the reason I had hated poker so much lately : I had lost my desire to progress.
Today, after some bulshit happened with family/friend, I just wanted to get the fuck out of here and go back in Paris, alone in my aprtmt. And soudelainly, I reminded I was a pro poker player and so I was like "WOOT, Robin, wake up seriously, why would you grind in a empty flat in Paris if instead you can take a flight in 4 days and go in Buenos Aires ?". Here I'm, I booked my train ticket vannes => paris and also booked a 10 days trip in Buenos Aires.
I will stay in this hotel. I pretty much picked him "au hasard" and I just saw a guy on 2+2 recommends it so I run good so far.
Why do I tell you this ?
I'm gonna post some goals for that trip, poker and non poker stuff related.
Poker stuff :
- 2 sessions of maximum 3 hours a day
- game will only be PLO (6max - PLO200 up to PLO1k)
- 10k profit
- get coached by KasinoKrime (just a small word about him, I started to play PLO like a month ago and we started to work together for ~3 weeks now, he helped me a ton with my PLO game and I owe him much)
Non poker stuff :
- One hour of cardio a day. I gained - too - much weight lately, obviously linked with poker (junk food, sleep schedule fked up...).
- Wake up at 10 MAXIMUM everyday but more allowed if good reason (getting laid with a hot local chick or if I'm ill of that swine influenza (Argentina is full of that crap)
- Hang out with a nice guy I met when I was in mar del plata nammed Ricardo (he helped me to get my flight on time when I was heading back to Paris), he is a individual golf coach. It will be an occasion to learn to play golf. I'm told golf has helped ton of players to get better with non poker stuff (like poker, personnal life...).
- Relax and enjoy what my "job" allows me to do
Well, I guess I'm done for now. I will take a ton of pictures during my whole trip, will post them here for sure. Also, daily updates will be done with graph/my poker mindset/my life mindset and so on.
I hope you guys will enjoy
Long story short, since April, NLHE has fucked me up so FUCKING HARD. I can't even look at this stupid game played with only 2 CARDS. HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU OFTEN HIT A FULL HOUSE AT THIS GAME ? Ok, you got me, I now play PLO. And I seriously love it. This damn game is fun and being better day after day highlighted one of the reason I had hated poker so much lately : I had lost my desire to progress.
Today, after some bulshit happened with family/friend, I just wanted to get the fuck out of here and go back in Paris, alone in my aprtmt. And soudelainly, I reminded I was a pro poker player and so I was like "WOOT, Robin, wake up seriously, why would you grind in a empty flat in Paris if instead you can take a flight in 4 days and go in Buenos Aires ?". Here I'm, I booked my train ticket vannes => paris and also booked a 10 days trip in Buenos Aires.
I will stay in this hotel. I pretty much picked him "au hasard" and I just saw a guy on 2+2 recommends it so I run good so far.
Why do I tell you this ?
I'm gonna post some goals for that trip, poker and non poker stuff related.
Poker stuff :
- 2 sessions of maximum 3 hours a day
- game will only be PLO (6max - PLO200 up to PLO1k)
- 10k profit
- get coached by KasinoKrime (just a small word about him, I started to play PLO like a month ago and we started to work together for ~3 weeks now, he helped me a ton with my PLO game and I owe him much)
Non poker stuff :
- One hour of cardio a day. I gained - too - much weight lately, obviously linked with poker (junk food, sleep schedule fked up...).
- Wake up at 10 MAXIMUM everyday but more allowed if good reason (getting laid with a hot local chick or if I'm ill of that swine influenza (Argentina is full of that crap)
- Hang out with a nice guy I met when I was in mar del plata nammed Ricardo (he helped me to get my flight on time when I was heading back to Paris), he is a individual golf coach. It will be an occasion to learn to play golf. I'm told golf has helped ton of players to get better with non poker stuff (like poker, personnal life...).
- Relax and enjoy what my "job" allows me to do
Well, I guess I'm done for now. I will take a ton of pictures during my whole trip, will post them here for sure. Also, daily updates will be done with graph/my poker mindset/my life mindset and so on.
I hope you guys will enjoy
Saturday, April 18, 2009
LAPT mar del plata
HI !
sorry for the lack of update but I have not been playing a ton lately. Just to tell you I'm playing that donkament, at the end of the day1b I was CL with 149k.
You can get updates at http://www.psblog.net .
take care
Robin ADZ122 C.
sorry for the lack of update but I have not been playing a ton lately. Just to tell you I'm playing that donkament, at the end of the day1b I was CL with 149k.
You can get updates at http://www.psblog.net .
take care
Robin ADZ122 C.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
running bad
Hey everybody
nothing special to say, I have been playing a lot lately (~50k hands in a week). I'm down like 10k I believe. I'm running SO SO SO bad (I'm 20k below the expectation last 4 days) and it's getting really annoying. I try to keep it up and to keep focused on my game. I'm still up about 30k for the month which is a good point.
I will make a much longer update next saturday while flying to NYC.
nothing special to say, I have been playing a lot lately (~50k hands in a week). I'm down like 10k I believe. I'm running SO SO SO bad (I'm 20k below the expectation last 4 days) and it's getting really annoying. I try to keep it up and to keep focused on my game. I'm still up about 30k for the month which is a good point.
I will make a much longer update next saturday while flying to NYC.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
NYC Barcelona and huge pots
Ok ok, it seems I have a lot to talk about with you guys.
First, I will be in NYC (02/28 to 03/08). We planned this today with my brother (his birthday present from me) and everything looks awesome. We booked 8 nights at Michelengelo hotel (http://www.michelangelohotel.com) so we will be in the center of Manhattan. If you got any tips or advice to give me, just lemme know. By the way, I might go in Québec, Canada to meet a fullring player, LSP16. If you are in the area, tell me and we will plan something.
Barcelona. I will be there from 03/08 to 03/11. I booked tickets for FC Barcelona / Lyon (champion's league game). It is to be an epic game. 3 night booked at Icaria hotel (http://www.hotelicariabarcelona.com/fr/index.php).
To conclude this short entry. Tonight, I took a shoot at 25/50 because there was a fish. It went... very well.
PokerStars Game #24734425998: Hold'em No Limit ($25/$50) - 2009/02/08 17:28:36 ET
Table 'Amata IV' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: ta1887 ($23425 in chips)
Seat 2: LittleZen ($5025 in chips)
Seat 3: ADZ122 ($14761 in chips)
Seat 4: ADZ124 ($6741 in chips)
Seat 5: ktrieu ($5494 in chips)
Seat 6: kingsofcards ($5000 in chips)
Seat 7: poker1O1 ($7119 in chips)
Seat 8: m_reed05 ($9895 in chips)
LittleZen: posts small blind $25
ADZ122: posts big blind $50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADZ122 [Tc 9c]
ADZ124: folds
ktrieu: folds
kingsofcards: folds
poker1O1: folds
m_reed05: raises $100 to $150
ta1887: calls $150
LittleZen: folds
ADZ122: calls $100
*** FLOP *** [8h Jc Qh]
ADZ122: checks
m_reed05: bets $300
ta1887: calls $300
ADZ122: raises $900 to $1200
m_reed05: calls $900
ta1887: calls $900
*** TURN *** [8h Jc Qh] [7d]
ADZ122: bets $2800
m_reed05: folds
ta1887: calls $2800
*** RIVER *** [8h Jc Qh 7d] [Ad]
ADZ122: bets $10611 and is all-in
ta1887: calls $10611
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ADZ122: shows [Tc 9c] (a straight, Eight to Queen)
ta1887: mucks hand
ADZ122 collected $30894 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $30897 | Rake $3
Board [8h Jc Qh 7d Ad]
Seat 1: ta1887 (button) mucked [7h Ah]
Seat 2: LittleZen (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: ADZ122 (big blind) showed [Tc 9c] and won ($30894) with a straight, Eight to Queen
Seat 4: ADZ124 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: ktrieu folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: kingsofcards folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: poker1O1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: m_reed05 folded on the Turn
This is amazing lol, my biggest pots were mostly 2k (and some 4k pot at 10/20) and I'm here, sitting at a 5k table, playing a 600bb pot against a retard. I can't believe it yet.
Anyway, I ended up 20k up at 25/50. I thank my backers (artanis and my coach) for their truth.
Ok ok, it seems I have a lot to talk about with you guys.
First, I will be in NYC (02/28 to 03/08). We planned this today with my brother (his birthday present from me) and everything looks awesome. We booked 8 nights at Michelengelo hotel (http://www.michelangelohotel.com) so we will be in the center of Manhattan. If you got any tips or advice to give me, just lemme know. By the way, I might go in Québec, Canada to meet a fullring player, LSP16. If you are in the area, tell me and we will plan something.
Barcelona. I will be there from 03/08 to 03/11. I booked tickets for FC Barcelona / Lyon (champion's league game). It is to be an epic game. 3 night booked at Icaria hotel (http://www.hotelicariabarcelona.com/fr/index.php).
To conclude this short entry. Tonight, I took a shoot at 25/50 because there was a fish. It went... very well.
PokerStars Game #24734425998: Hold'em No Limit ($25/$50) - 2009/02/08 17:28:36 ET
Table 'Amata IV' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: ta1887 ($23425 in chips)
Seat 2: LittleZen ($5025 in chips)
Seat 3: ADZ122 ($14761 in chips)
Seat 4: ADZ124 ($6741 in chips)
Seat 5: ktrieu ($5494 in chips)
Seat 6: kingsofcards ($5000 in chips)
Seat 7: poker1O1 ($7119 in chips)
Seat 8: m_reed05 ($9895 in chips)
LittleZen: posts small blind $25
ADZ122: posts big blind $50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADZ122 [Tc 9c]
ADZ124: folds
ktrieu: folds
kingsofcards: folds
poker1O1: folds
m_reed05: raises $100 to $150
ta1887: calls $150
LittleZen: folds
ADZ122: calls $100
*** FLOP *** [8h Jc Qh]
ADZ122: checks
m_reed05: bets $300
ta1887: calls $300
ADZ122: raises $900 to $1200
m_reed05: calls $900
ta1887: calls $900
*** TURN *** [8h Jc Qh] [7d]
ADZ122: bets $2800
m_reed05: folds
ta1887: calls $2800
*** RIVER *** [8h Jc Qh 7d] [Ad]
ADZ122: bets $10611 and is all-in
ta1887: calls $10611
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ADZ122: shows [Tc 9c] (a straight, Eight to Queen)
ta1887: mucks hand
ADZ122 collected $30894 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $30897 | Rake $3
Board [8h Jc Qh 7d Ad]
Seat 1: ta1887 (button) mucked [7h Ah]
Seat 2: LittleZen (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: ADZ122 (big blind) showed [Tc 9c] and won ($30894) with a straight, Eight to Queen
Seat 4: ADZ124 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: ktrieu folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: kingsofcards folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: poker1O1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: m_reed05 folded on the Turn
This is amazing lol, my biggest pots were mostly 2k (and some 4k pot at 10/20) and I'm here, sitting at a 5k table, playing a 600bb pot against a retard. I can't believe it yet.
Anyway, I ended up 20k up at 25/50. I thank my backers (artanis and my coach) for their truth.
Friday, February 6, 2009
I’m in the train heading to Vannes to enjoy a week with my parents and bro’s. I took my laptop so I can play a bit, although I know I won’t play as much as if I would be in Paris. Anyway, it’s always a pleasure to leave Paris (even if Paris still is the best city in the world imo) to travel, it is prolly one of the best aspect of being a poker pro player.
Let’s talk about poker now. Febuary has gone fine so far, I have not played as much hand as I would like to but I’m like 17k up for 10k hands. Mainly thanks to a good run (4 or 5k above the expection, poker is easy), it looks I’m on pace to do better than January and according to table ratings I believe I’m #1 600nl FR on stars for the month so far.
I also started to coach/stake a French player. I wanted to get involved with 3 students but even with one (plus 2 guy I exclusively coach however), I feel like I can’t play as I would like to. Results in terms of $ don’t show up yet but I’m confident they will soon. We started at 50nl and we are now at 100nl, I hope we will go up to 400nl, I would be really proud of him.
Next week, I leave Vannes for Bordeaux to enjoy a week with friends. It’s funny because Vannes is a small town (50k habitants) and Bordeaux is much bigger (3 or 400k habitants I believe) and these towns are going to meet them eachother for the finale of coupe de la ligue in Paris (a soccer competition). I don’t particuraly like Vannes (tho I spent most years of my life) but because a friend has been supporting Bordeaux for his whole life, I will probably be rooting for Vannes, I hope we will have some ridiculous prop bet for this game. I’m looking forward to keep you updated.
Also, next month, I’m considering leaving for Thailand for a month and a half. Some French players are there atm. I remember when I left school 3 or 4 month ago to play poker for a living, I told my parents and friends that I will enjoy having free time to travel the most I could. I guess it’s a good way to prove them I was not lying. Obviously, being in Thailand would be the best to make money given I would be able to play a lot.
The Thailand opportunity reminds me that time is counted. College inscriptions are soon and I feel like I have been wasting time so far. I still have 7 months of course to do whatever I want before going back to school. I hope I won’t waste them.
I’m in the train heading to Vannes to enjoy a week with my parents and bro’s. I took my laptop so I can play a bit, although I know I won’t play as much as if I would be in Paris. Anyway, it’s always a pleasure to leave Paris (even if Paris still is the best city in the world imo) to travel, it is prolly one of the best aspect of being a poker pro player.
Let’s talk about poker now. Febuary has gone fine so far, I have not played as much hand as I would like to but I’m like 17k up for 10k hands. Mainly thanks to a good run (4 or 5k above the expection, poker is easy), it looks I’m on pace to do better than January and according to table ratings I believe I’m #1 600nl FR on stars for the month so far.
I also started to coach/stake a French player. I wanted to get involved with 3 students but even with one (plus 2 guy I exclusively coach however), I feel like I can’t play as I would like to. Results in terms of $ don’t show up yet but I’m confident they will soon. We started at 50nl and we are now at 100nl, I hope we will go up to 400nl, I would be really proud of him.
Next week, I leave Vannes for Bordeaux to enjoy a week with friends. It’s funny because Vannes is a small town (50k habitants) and Bordeaux is much bigger (3 or 400k habitants I believe) and these towns are going to meet them eachother for the finale of coupe de la ligue in Paris (a soccer competition). I don’t particuraly like Vannes (tho I spent most years of my life) but because a friend has been supporting Bordeaux for his whole life, I will probably be rooting for Vannes, I hope we will have some ridiculous prop bet for this game. I’m looking forward to keep you updated.
Also, next month, I’m considering leaving for Thailand for a month and a half. Some French players are there atm. I remember when I left school 3 or 4 month ago to play poker for a living, I told my parents and friends that I will enjoy having free time to travel the most I could. I guess it’s a good way to prove them I was not lying. Obviously, being in Thailand would be the best to make money given I would be able to play a lot.
The Thailand opportunity reminds me that time is counted. College inscriptions are soon and I feel like I have been wasting time so far. I still have 7 months of course to do whatever I want before going back to school. I hope I won’t waste them.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
January results and febuary goals
Hey !
In this entry, I will talk about my last week with Artanis11, my results for january (including garphs) and my goals for febuary.
Week with Artanis :
Lex lives in a lovely town called Culemborg (which is near Utrecht). It was fun and his family was very nice to me. Sad part is I lost my Iphone over there and it kinda put me on tilt. Badfuly, we did not grind at all (and the few we played, we lost bout 3k mainfuly thanks to a coin flip lost at 10/20). Anyway, I'm looking forward to invite him in Paris (Paris > Amsterdam >>>> Utrecht btw) and show him what a true balla city is.
January results :
Given I was on vacation for 2 weeks, I did not put in enough volume but results are still very satisfactory.
Stats :

Garph :

Standard 10k day :

+3k ungraphed
+3k bonus
Febuary goals :
- 100k hands
- 2.5BB/100
- Doing sport 4 days a week
- Getting involved as much as I can with my students
- Plan a trip in USA (if you live in USA/Canada and want to meet me, just let me know)

Amsterdam and one of its many rivers.
In this entry, I will talk about my last week with Artanis11, my results for january (including garphs) and my goals for febuary.
Week with Artanis :
Lex lives in a lovely town called Culemborg (which is near Utrecht). It was fun and his family was very nice to me. Sad part is I lost my Iphone over there and it kinda put me on tilt. Badfuly, we did not grind at all (and the few we played, we lost bout 3k mainfuly thanks to a coin flip lost at 10/20). Anyway, I'm looking forward to invite him in Paris (Paris > Amsterdam >>>> Utrecht btw) and show him what a true balla city is.
January results :
Given I was on vacation for 2 weeks, I did not put in enough volume but results are still very satisfactory.
Stats :
Garph :

Standard 10k day :

+3k ungraphed
+3k bonus
Febuary goals :
- 100k hands
- 2.5BB/100
- Doing sport 4 days a week
- Getting involved as much as I can with my students
- Plan a trip in USA (if you live in USA/Canada and want to meet me, just let me know)
Amsterdam and one of its many rivers.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Deauville report
Hey everyone
It’s 2.30 A.M. in France and I just went back from deauville’s casino. Tomorrow I head back to Paris and you know what ? I’m glad. Deauville is a fun city where everything seems doable as long as you have enough money. And I did a lot of things that I had not been through before.
The hotel was fkin amazing (view was awesome, pic comin’) and employees were always there in order to get everything fine for rémy and I.
The casino was also nice. The building was beautiful and class. I have not played live at all (and nearly online aswel, 2h and +2.2k) but I saw some huge cash game running, very impressive. Here is a hand :
Blinds 50/100
Utg folds
Utg+1 folds
Utg+2 folds
Mp limps (~10k euros) for 100e
Mp+1 folds
Co folds
Btn raises to 400e (he is a swedish and seems to do quite well)
Sb folds
BB calls
Flop 36J full spades (1250e)
Sb checks
Mp donkbets for 800
Btn raises to 2.2k
Sb folds
Mp tanks and shoves for his remaining stack (9k or so)
Btn calls quickly
Turn and river blank
Mp shows J9 with 9 of spade
Btn shows AA without any spade
Ship it 21k pot lolilol
Anyway, games were very juicy as you can witness but I have been too tired to sit in and play. My bad coz my coach agreed to take a share of me.
I also met ADZ124, shaked his hand this morning during EPT break. We talked a bit and he has been friendly to me. It was nice to finaly see him.
Tonight, a friend who had met cuts (a French high stakes player) the day before invited me to join cuts’s suite at Normandy hotel. I must admit I had some bias about him and prolly the same for him bout me. Right after shaking his hand he asked “why are you a fan of ADZ124, seriously ?”, I replied I was not and to be honest, I don’t give a shit of what ADZ124 did to him. The we talked a bit and it was surprising how this young man seemed to be sad. He told us he had no pleasure playing poker anymore and he just wanted to make the most money as he could before leaving. He seems to wonder a lot about his life, his goals and what ppl thinks of him (especially why they are friendly to him and his money). Anyway, it was interesting to talk with him and see how he deals his success. It makes me think how everything is “éphémère” and artificial.
To conclude, I’m glad to go back in Paris. I’m not used to hang out a lot. I mean, I’m not confortable with ppl. I have always been this way and I won’t try to change it. I believe it’s not an issue when you are aware of this.
Friday I go to Utrecht for some grinding time. I hope to make a lot of money and I know I will learn a lot from Artanis11’s game.
I’m done for today, I will update this entry to insert some random pics. Have a nice day. I’m fkin tired right now.

balla right ?

Me, laughing this hard it prevents to see my eyes.
Okay, I admit I was drunk.
It’s 2.30 A.M. in France and I just went back from deauville’s casino. Tomorrow I head back to Paris and you know what ? I’m glad. Deauville is a fun city where everything seems doable as long as you have enough money. And I did a lot of things that I had not been through before.
The hotel was fkin amazing (view was awesome, pic comin’) and employees were always there in order to get everything fine for rémy and I.
The casino was also nice. The building was beautiful and class. I have not played live at all (and nearly online aswel, 2h and +2.2k) but I saw some huge cash game running, very impressive. Here is a hand :
Blinds 50/100
Utg folds
Utg+1 folds
Utg+2 folds
Mp limps (~10k euros) for 100e
Mp+1 folds
Co folds
Btn raises to 400e (he is a swedish and seems to do quite well)
Sb folds
BB calls
Flop 36J full spades (1250e)
Sb checks
Mp donkbets for 800
Btn raises to 2.2k
Sb folds
Mp tanks and shoves for his remaining stack (9k or so)
Btn calls quickly
Turn and river blank
Mp shows J9 with 9 of spade
Btn shows AA without any spade
Ship it 21k pot lolilol
Anyway, games were very juicy as you can witness but I have been too tired to sit in and play. My bad coz my coach agreed to take a share of me.
I also met ADZ124, shaked his hand this morning during EPT break. We talked a bit and he has been friendly to me. It was nice to finaly see him.
Tonight, a friend who had met cuts (a French high stakes player) the day before invited me to join cuts’s suite at Normandy hotel. I must admit I had some bias about him and prolly the same for him bout me. Right after shaking his hand he asked “why are you a fan of ADZ124, seriously ?”, I replied I was not and to be honest, I don’t give a shit of what ADZ124 did to him. The we talked a bit and it was surprising how this young man seemed to be sad. He told us he had no pleasure playing poker anymore and he just wanted to make the most money as he could before leaving. He seems to wonder a lot about his life, his goals and what ppl thinks of him (especially why they are friendly to him and his money). Anyway, it was interesting to talk with him and see how he deals his success. It makes me think how everything is “éphémère” and artificial.
To conclude, I’m glad to go back in Paris. I’m not used to hang out a lot. I mean, I’m not confortable with ppl. I have always been this way and I won’t try to change it. I believe it’s not an issue when you are aware of this.
Friday I go to Utrecht for some grinding time. I hope to make a lot of money and I know I will learn a lot from Artanis11’s game.
I’m done for today, I will update this entry to insert some random pics. Have a nice day. I’m fkin tired right now.
balla right ?
Me, laughing this hard it prevents to see my eyes.
Okay, I admit I was drunk.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Ok, last fews days, I have not played much. My envy to play poker comes by periods. Sometime, I can't stop to grind for 2 weeks straight and sometime I can't motivate enough to play 4 hours per day.
I have a busy week coming. Tonight, a friend comes from Vannes (my former city before moving in in paris). It's gonna be a lot of fun and it's prolly scheduled to have a couple drinks in Paris's bar. Next monday, I take a train to Deauville. My laptop (that I bought one month ago) is already broken and it PISSES ME OFF cause I need one to play next couple weeks. I have to buy another one coz I can't wait to have it fixed (balla right ?).
Yesterday, Artanis11 did a final table@109+r, congrat to him. I don't know how he does to play donkaments. He finished #3 btw.
I plan to get into coaching next month. At the beginning, I will do it in french because I'm not confortable at all with english. So, if you are french and you play fullring (nl200+), pm me and we will discuss details further.
Because I don't know if I will play a lot. Here is my montly garph :

Obviously, it's my best month ever and I'm HELL PROUD OF THIS.
During my vacation, I will try to take some pics. It's gonna be legen - wait for it - dary.
ho, here is a funny hand
***** Hand History for Game 23931627050 *****
$400.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Thursday, January 15, 09:17:34 ET 2009
Table Aconcagua III (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Seat 1: ExMember ( $76.00 USD )
Seat 3: koh samui08 ( $616.80 USD )
Seat 4: DCal Zone ( $406.00 USD )
Seat 6: ADZ122 ( $415.00 USD )
Seat 7: gregy20723 ( $423.10 USD )
Seat 8: lessharm ( $598.20 USD )
Seat 9: Artanis11 ( $529.50 USD )
ExMember posts small blind [$2.00 USD].
koh samui08 posts big blind [$4.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ADZ122 [ Ac Ad ]
DCal Zone folds
ADZ122 raises [$122.00 USD] <=== I SET A TARP
gregy20723 raises [$423.10 USD] <=== TARPED
lessharm folds
Artanis11 folds
ExMember folds
koh samui08 folds
ADZ122 calls [$293.00 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ As, Jc, Ts ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 7d ]
** Dealing River ** [ 9c ]
ADZ122 shows [Ac, Ad ]
ADZ122 wins $833.00 USD from main pot
gregy20723 doesn't show [Js, Jd ] <== ORLY ???
gregy20723 wins $8.10 USD from main pot
have a nice week end guys
Ok, last fews days, I have not played much. My envy to play poker comes by periods. Sometime, I can't stop to grind for 2 weeks straight and sometime I can't motivate enough to play 4 hours per day.
I have a busy week coming. Tonight, a friend comes from Vannes (my former city before moving in in paris). It's gonna be a lot of fun and it's prolly scheduled to have a couple drinks in Paris's bar. Next monday, I take a train to Deauville. My laptop (that I bought one month ago) is already broken and it PISSES ME OFF cause I need one to play next couple weeks. I have to buy another one coz I can't wait to have it fixed (balla right ?).
Yesterday, Artanis11 did a final table@109+r, congrat to him. I don't know how he does to play donkaments. He finished #3 btw.
I plan to get into coaching next month. At the beginning, I will do it in french because I'm not confortable at all with english. So, if you are french and you play fullring (nl200+), pm me and we will discuss details further.
Because I don't know if I will play a lot. Here is my montly garph :

Obviously, it's my best month ever and I'm HELL PROUD OF THIS.
During my vacation, I will try to take some pics. It's gonna be legen - wait for it - dary.
ho, here is a funny hand
***** Hand History for Game 23931627050 *****
$400.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Thursday, January 15, 09:17:34 ET 2009
Table Aconcagua III (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Seat 1: ExMember ( $76.00 USD )
Seat 3: koh samui08 ( $616.80 USD )
Seat 4: DCal Zone ( $406.00 USD )
Seat 6: ADZ122 ( $415.00 USD )
Seat 7: gregy20723 ( $423.10 USD )
Seat 8: lessharm ( $598.20 USD )
Seat 9: Artanis11 ( $529.50 USD )
ExMember posts small blind [$2.00 USD].
koh samui08 posts big blind [$4.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ADZ122 [ Ac Ad ]
DCal Zone folds
ADZ122 raises [$122.00 USD] <=== I SET A TARP
gregy20723 raises [$423.10 USD] <=== TARPED
lessharm folds
Artanis11 folds
ExMember folds
koh samui08 folds
ADZ122 calls [$293.00 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ As, Jc, Ts ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 7d ]
** Dealing River ** [ 9c ]
ADZ122 shows [Ac, Ad ]
ADZ122 wins $833.00 USD from main pot
gregy20723 doesn't show [Js, Jd ] <== ORLY ???
gregy20723 wins $8.10 USD from main pot
have a nice week end guys
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Stepping back on whats going on
Last days have been something new to me. I used to grind for $75 an hour at 0.5 / 1 and 1 / 2 and now, I win $300 an hour. It is awesome, true, but I really need to keep focused on my game and my progression.
Last year, when I played 0.5/1 with an amazing winrate of 5ptbb/100 over a huge sample I thought that I could not do better anymore. But the truth is I was bad. Less than other ppl, sure, but I had no idea how to play post flop (a little on the flop maybe, on the turn, if I had nuts I would barrel otherwise I would just check it down to the showdown). I was just a 13/9 type nit who raised with ranges composed of 95% hands for value, 4% for protection, 1% for bluff.
It happened once, I hope it won't happen twice. I'm def going to try to move up as high as I can. Which obviously includes to ALWAYS work on my game. Working his game means to be open minded. To change, to question oneself, to develop new ideas is probably the mark of a sucessful poker player.
However, to be able to question oneself is not that natural. It's a matter of education I guess and it's def linked to our own path.
In poker, there is not a right or a wrong decision, there is just a better and a worse one. The "goodness" (does it even exist ?) of a decision is the result of many factors (position, stack size, history...) and this is only when you masterise all these factors that you are good at poker.
To conclude, to stay humble is probably the key to be sucessful at poker. It permises you always re-evaluate how you did play a hand which the first step in order to take better decisions.
Anyway, I just ended up my last session for today. +3.5k today. I played very very solid today. I feel like I have never played this strong ever and believe me, this is an awesome feeling. I'm 20k up this month. 20k was my monthly goal and it's already done. I'm very happy with but don't worry, I won't stop to play until Febuary.
Also today I suscribed to bluefirepoker.com. This is a new training site lead by Phil Galfond (he is probably my most favourite player. This guy is SO humble). Quality seems awesome to me so far, I can't wait for move videos.
Next week I'm going in Deauville. Given I already accomplished my monthly goal (in term of $, not of hands), I won't be playing poker a lot. I will enjoy the city (there are probably some awesome restaurants) with my friends and poker players Adrian and Rémi.
I feel like this entry has been too long. I will try to do shorter next time.
Last year, when I played 0.5/1 with an amazing winrate of 5ptbb/100 over a huge sample I thought that I could not do better anymore. But the truth is I was bad. Less than other ppl, sure, but I had no idea how to play post flop (a little on the flop maybe, on the turn, if I had nuts I would barrel otherwise I would just check it down to the showdown). I was just a 13/9 type nit who raised with ranges composed of 95% hands for value, 4% for protection, 1% for bluff.
It happened once, I hope it won't happen twice. I'm def going to try to move up as high as I can. Which obviously includes to ALWAYS work on my game. Working his game means to be open minded. To change, to question oneself, to develop new ideas is probably the mark of a sucessful poker player.
However, to be able to question oneself is not that natural. It's a matter of education I guess and it's def linked to our own path.
In poker, there is not a right or a wrong decision, there is just a better and a worse one. The "goodness" (does it even exist ?) of a decision is the result of many factors (position, stack size, history...) and this is only when you masterise all these factors that you are good at poker.
To conclude, to stay humble is probably the key to be sucessful at poker. It permises you always re-evaluate how you did play a hand which the first step in order to take better decisions.
Anyway, I just ended up my last session for today. +3.5k today. I played very very solid today. I feel like I have never played this strong ever and believe me, this is an awesome feeling. I'm 20k up this month. 20k was my monthly goal and it's already done. I'm very happy with but don't worry, I won't stop to play until Febuary.
Also today I suscribed to bluefirepoker.com. This is a new training site lead by Phil
Next week I'm going in Deauville. Given I already accomplished my monthly goal (in term of $, not of hands), I won't be playing poker a lot. I will enjoy the city (there are probably some awesome restaurants) with my friends and poker players Adrian and Rémi.
I feel like this entry has been too long. I will try to do shorter next time.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
daily report
hello everyone
Today has been going quite well. I decided to start a session 20 tabling from 1/2 to 5/10. Badfuly, 20 tabling and playing LAG is REALLY hard (I admire ppl like kelisitaan for this) and I feel like I spewed some BI, eventually I ended up ~1k up. I took a break coz 20 tabling is painful and tilting and got back to the tables one hour later. I played 9 tables (3/6 - 5/10) and it went very nice (~+3.5k). I went on diner time and after having a bath I opened up 9 tables. It went quite awful, I lost 3k at 3/6 (mainly because of coolers but also a bit of badplay obv, btw HI to kemikar, I now know he read me) but won ~2k at 5/10 (where I got coolered by keli on my last hand for a buy in, HI to him too).
Also, I don't really know what to post on my blog. You might be interested in daily session report or maybe you want to know more about me or how I handle my poker career. Anyway, just let me know what you prefer.
To finish, I booked my train tickets for Deauville. I will be there from 01/19 to 01/23. And the next day, I will go to Utrecht (netherlands) for a week to meet a friend and a poker player, the wellknown Artanis11. I hope we will have a lot of fun and we will try to discuss poker stuff in order to improve our level.
Today has been going quite well. I decided to start a session 20 tabling from 1/2 to 5/10. Badfuly, 20 tabling and playing LAG is REALLY hard (I admire ppl like kelisitaan for this) and I feel like I spewed some BI, eventually I ended up ~1k up. I took a break coz 20 tabling is painful and tilting and got back to the tables one hour later. I played 9 tables (3/6 - 5/10) and it went very nice (~+3.5k). I went on diner time and after having a bath I opened up 9 tables. It went quite awful, I lost 3k at 3/6 (mainly because of coolers but also a bit of badplay obv, btw HI to kemikar, I now know he read me) but won ~2k at 5/10 (where I got coolered by keli on my last hand for a buy in, HI to him too).
Also, I don't really know what to post on my blog. You might be interested in daily session report or maybe you want to know more about me or how I handle my poker career. Anyway, just let me know what you prefer.
To finish, I booked my train tickets for Deauville. I will be there from 01/19 to 01/23. And the next day, I will go to Utrecht (netherlands) for a week to meet a friend and a poker player, the wellknown Artanis11. I hope we will have a lot of fun and we will try to discuss poker stuff in order to improve our level.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
a little update
Hi everyone
Last couple nights, I have had some issues to sleep and it prevented me to play yesterday. Anyway, today, I was back to the tables and I did pretty well. Actually, most of my winnings came from sobraoboy (he's def the spewest player in the world) and I enjoy everytime he insults me in the chat. I played 16 tables (from 1/2 to 5/10) and ended 3.5k up until midnight where a couple of setup made me lose 2k. I'm still 1.5k up but it's getting frustrating.
Whatever, today, I also received The poker mindset which I have heard a lot of good of and I hope it will help me to be less result oriented/short term oriented, it's something I have to work a ton on.
My coach and I have done a session tonight, we played some 5/10, 3/6 and even one 10/20. No interesting hands, nevermind.
Tomorrow, I will try to play less tables at 3/6 and 5/10 to focus on regulars and try to spot their tendancies. And I announce you that I might go to the Deauville EPT, I won't play it but I may play some side events but I will def hit some cash game tables. Tell me if some of you will be there, we might take a drink or whatever.
Last couple nights, I have had some issues to sleep and it prevented me to play yesterday. Anyway, today, I was back to the tables and I did pretty well. Actually, most of my winnings came from sobraoboy (he's def the spewest player in the world) and I enjoy everytime he insults me in the chat. I played 16 tables (from 1/2 to 5/10) and ended 3.5k up until midnight where a couple of setup made me lose 2k. I'm still 1.5k up but it's getting frustrating.
Whatever, today, I also received The poker mindset which I have heard a lot of good of and I hope it will help me to be less result oriented/short term oriented, it's something I have to work a ton on.
My coach and I have done a session tonight, we played some 5/10, 3/6 and even one 10/20. No interesting hands, nevermind.
Tomorrow, I will try to play less tables at 3/6 and 5/10 to focus on regulars and try to spot their tendancies. And I announce you that I might go to the Deauville EPT, I won't play it but I may play some side events but I will def hit some cash game tables. Tell me if some of you will be there, we might take a drink or whatever.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A great day
Today I woke at 3PM after a v long night, when I woke up, I knew I was going to have a very good day. I had a rendez-vous with my coach sport to make a program based on my goals. I wanna lose some weight (around 7/8kg, im too lazy to convert in lbs) and keep my self in good shape to permise me to be more focused and less tilted when I play poker.
After 1 hour of sport (40 minutes of running, 25min of musculation), there was stuff I had to take care (cleaning my flat, buying new light...) then I was ready to start a long session. As I said about my 1k shot yesterday, I was to grind nl400/600 16 tables to get my losses back. Obv I won back my losses of yesterday and even ended up with 2.5k or so of winnings.
After dinner, my coach and I decided to start a 600/1k session, we did not do very well (everytime he spectates me I run bad anyway) and he told me I could keep playing 1k. I finished 1.5k up, playing v solid poker (even if I ran bad, one more time). I will post some hh's tomorrow, there are some interesting hands and I will also post hh's where I put sobraoboy on tilt.
Tomorrow, I will pratice an hour of sport (I try to go 4/5 times a week), play poker for 2 hours or so and go in Paris with my brother to do LES SOLDES (a period when goods are up to -80% cheaper, yea my brother is poor, he does not play poker).

cya guys
After 1 hour of sport (40 minutes of running, 25min of musculation), there was stuff I had to take care (cleaning my flat, buying new light...) then I was ready to start a long session. As I said about my 1k shot yesterday, I was to grind nl400/600 16 tables to get my losses back. Obv I won back my losses of yesterday and even ended up with 2.5k or so of winnings.
After dinner, my coach and I decided to start a 600/1k session, we did not do very well (everytime he spectates me I run bad anyway) and he told me I could keep playing 1k. I finished 1.5k up, playing v solid poker (even if I ran bad, one more time). I will post some hh's tomorrow, there are some interesting hands and I will also post hh's where I put sobraoboy on tilt.
Tomorrow, I will pratice an hour of sport (I try to go 4/5 times a week), play poker for 2 hours or so and go in Paris with my brother to do LES SOLDES (a period when goods are up to -80% cheaper, yea my brother is poor, he does not play poker).

cya guys
1k shot
Hey guys !
Yesterday I took a shot at nl1k and it did not go as I expected. Nothing too bad but I could have done MUCH better. Anyway, I should not have played, I have had a bad night and I slept smth like 6 hours (and I ran bad obv).
Here is the stats :

Today, I plan to go back at 2/4 and 3/6, win it back and wait until I get confidence back aswell to think about 1k.
Yesterday I took a shot at nl1k and it did not go as I expected. Nothing too bad but I could have done MUCH better. Anyway, I should not have played, I have had a bad night and I slept smth like 6 hours (and I ran bad obv).
Here is the stats :
Today, I plan to go back at 2/4 and 3/6, win it back and wait until I get confidence back aswell to think about 1k.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Some graphs
Here they are !
I don't have my old PT3 database (from march to half november), I searched garphs I posted some month ago when I started. I hope my january graph will be much more than all of them clustered.
Here is my first 100% fullring month :

June (full of nl100 I believe) :

And nothingelse til november :
My first month as a pro. It misses smth like 50k hands of nl100 where I barely break even (sick yea). And you can also notice a steady decline of my red line (which I thought it was normal for a fullring player until I met my coach).

December :
I don't have my old PT3 database (from march to half november), I searched garphs I posted some month ago when I started. I hope my january graph will be much more than all of them clustered.
Here is my first 100% fullring month :

June (full of nl100 I believe) :

And nothingelse til november :
My first month as a pro. It misses smth like 50k hands of nl100 where I barely break even (sick yea). And you can also notice a steady decline of my red line (which I thought it was normal for a fullring player until I met my coach).

December :

Sunday, January 4, 2009
Hey everyone. Welcome to my blog, I will try to update it as much as I can. To introduce myself, I'm Robin and I'm 20 years old, I live in Paris, France and I play poker for a living since november 2008.
What did I do before turning pro ? I was a student but school bored me (even if I was quite good) and I decided to take a shot on pursueing what I was always thinking to : to play poker for a living. You might think it's quite risky blabla. I'm 20 and I don't plan to play poker for my whole life, I just want to take a sabatic year. I will go back to school next year anyway.
About my poker carreer : I seriously started to play poker march last year where I discovered fullring at stars. Being able to play many tables at once was smth I really enjoyed. I just had $113 on my stars account and started at nl5. One month later, I was to grind nl100. I stayed at nl100 for a while because I was a little scared money. We are now in november, I decide to leave school and I turn pro. Naturally, I could not play for a living playing nl100 and it came obvious I had to move up as high as possible.
Today, I mainly play nl400/600 on a 35k roll and it's scheduled to play nl1k tomorrow thanks to my coach (who also stakes me at nl600/1k). I'm really grateful to him, since we started I have improved my game A LOT and his trust means a lot to me. I hope he won't be disapointed aswell.
Tomorrow I will post some garphs (that's what you are all waiting for I guess).
Robin "ADZ122" C.
What did I do before turning pro ? I was a student but school bored me (even if I was quite good) and I decided to take a shot on pursueing what I was always thinking to : to play poker for a living. You might think it's quite risky blabla. I'm 20 and I don't plan to play poker for my whole life, I just want to take a sabatic year. I will go back to school next year anyway.
About my poker carreer : I seriously started to play poker march last year where I discovered fullring at stars. Being able to play many tables at once was smth I really enjoyed. I just had $113 on my stars account and started at nl5. One month later, I was to grind nl100. I stayed at nl100 for a while because I was a little scared money. We are now in november, I decide to leave school and I turn pro. Naturally, I could not play for a living playing nl100 and it came obvious I had to move up as high as possible.
Today, I mainly play nl400/600 on a 35k roll and it's scheduled to play nl1k tomorrow thanks to my coach (who also stakes me at nl600/1k). I'm really grateful to him, since we started I have improved my game A LOT and his trust means a lot to me. I hope he won't be disapointed aswell.
Tomorrow I will post some garphs (that's what you are all waiting for I guess).
Robin "ADZ122" C.
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